Patent Analysis

Patent Analysis

The earlier the Patent Data Analysis can be included in the R&D process, the more positively the commercial and technological value of the product or method that will emerge at the end of the process will be affected. Continuous monitoring of patent documents published in the world requires a process that requires the use of technical and legal expertise, also includes advanced data processing technologies due to the number of documents. Data processing systems can be turned into information that can be used in decision processes with the participation of technical and legal expertise. Regular data analysis studies are commonly used among companies leading innovation in the world and enable them to do studies with higher commercialization potential.

Freedom of Activity Study

It is the determination of patents that may prevent you in the countries where you want to present your products and services.

Patent Validity Analysis

It is an analysis study on how to overcome the patent obstacles that may prevent you in any country related to the products and services you want to offer.

Patent Mapping

Technological classification, attribution between technologies, license and case data with convergences between neighboring technologies, and which competitors are more effective can be seen from the patent data at the earliest. Patent data can provide important predictions in emerging technologies where sufficient analysis from market data cannot be made.