Yetkin Patent

Legal Transactions


Trademark Agreement

We stand by you in the preparation and evaluation of protocols in the field of Intellectual Property Law, providing legal interpretation, Coexistence Agreements, License Agreements, etc., in the drawing up of all agreements that your company may need in the field of Intellectual Property.

Trademark Legal Transactions

Trademark Invalidity / Trademark Infringement Prevention cases in Civil Courts for Intellectual and Intellectual Property Rights, to imitate your trademark that you have not registered yet by third parties, or to legally fight against imitations of a registered trademark in line with your past use; In the Trademark Application or Objection Process, we also provide legal consultancy for the protection of your Trademark Right at the Legal Stage, including Objection to the Decision in the Court, against the decisions that do not satisfy at the administrative stage.

Moreover, we also provide attorneyship at other necessary stages in the protection of your Trademark Right against counterfeit goods, such as the Prosecution complaint stage, the Declaratory Lawsuit in Different Labor Courts, within the scope of fighting counterfeit goods.

Trademark Transfer and License Transactions

Trademarks, which are intangible fixed assets, can be transferred or licensed exclusively/non-exclusively. In this way, income can be obtained with the trademark application by exclusivity.

Quick Consultation and Inquiry

    Our team will get back to you within approximately 1 business day.

    Trademark Registration

    The official first step of the Trademark Registration Process begins with applying for a trademark to TÜRKPATENT, and trademark protection begins as of the application date.

    Trademark Objection

    We provide legal assistance in case your industrial property rights are imitated in our country or abroad.

    International Transactions

    We provide services in trademark applications before WIPO, EUPO, national trademark applications abroad, foreign trademark objections and other transactions, as well as WIPO PCT and EOP applications...

    Legal Transactions

    In order for a trademark that you have not yet registered to be imitated by third parties in line with your old usage, or for a legal fight against imitations of a registered trademark of yours...

    Competitor Analysis-Monitoring

    We have bulletin tracking and analysis services to ensure that you do not fall behind in the Industrial Property management process, which reflects competition, which is an indispensable part of trade.

    Trademark Training

    In order to ensure and make effective the active role of every unit of your company in the protection of your Industrial Property Rights, we provide training on Industrial Rights, and your departments related to Industrial Property within your company...

    Trademark Classification

    We can call trademark registration classes as trademark categories. While trademark registration procedures are carried out, brands are divided into a category. These categories indicate many classes of brands. Trademark registration classes are not as short as thought.

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    Let's Create Solutions to Protect Your Intellectual Assets