Yetkin Patent

Trademark Objection


Objection / Opposition to Trademark Publication

Sınai mülkiyet haklarınızın ülkemizde ya da yurtdışında taklit edilmesi durumunda hukuki yardım sağlıyoruz. Türk Ticaret Sicili Kayıtları dâhil olmak üzere, hukuki sorunlar ile ilgili hukuki araştırmalar ve somut dava ile ilgili kanıt edinilmesini ile hem idari hem de hukuki aşamada ulusal ve uluslararası destek veriyoruz.

Trademark Ex officio Objection to Total Refusal/Partial Refusal Decision

After the trademark application, TÜRKPATENT evaluates the sign requested to be registered by procedural review in terms of compliance with Article 5 of the Intellectual Property Law. In particular, a review is made upon whether the sign requested to be registered within the scope of this article is similar to the previously registered trademark or the registration process is in progress. Also, it is examined whether the trademark applied for is distinctive and not “descriptive” for the goods/services whose registration is requested.

If a partial or total refusal of your trademark application is made during this review, you have the right of objection against the decision. If you wish to object to the decision, we provide support for preparing and filing a petition of objection against the decision and then follow-up until the process is complete.

Fight against Imitation

We provide legal assistance in case your Intellectual Property Rights are imitated in Turkey or abroad. We provide national and international support in both administrative and legal stages, with legal research on legal issues and obtaining evidence regarding concrete cases, including the Turkish Trade Registry.

Quick Consultation and Inquiry

    Our team will get back to you within approximately 1 business day.

    Trademark Registration

    The official first step of the Trademark Registration Process begins with applying for a trademark to TÜRKPATENT, and trademark protection begins as of the application date.

    Trademark Objection

    We provide legal assistance in case your industrial property rights are imitated in our country or abroad.

    International Transactions

    We provide services in trademark applications before WIPO, EUPO, national trademark applications abroad, foreign trademark objections and other transactions, as well as WIPO PCT and EOP applications...

    Legal Transactions

    In order for a trademark that you have not yet registered to be imitated by third parties in line with your old usage, or for a legal fight against imitations of a registered trademark of yours...

    Competitor Analysis-Monitoring

    We have bulletin tracking and analysis services to ensure that you do not fall behind in the Industrial Property management process, which reflects competition, which is an indispensable part of trade.

    Trademark Training

    In order to ensure and make effective the active role of every unit of your company in the protection of your Industrial Property Rights, we provide training on Industrial Rights, and your departments related to Industrial Property within your company...

    Trademark Classification

    We can call trademark registration classes as trademark categories. While trademark registration procedures are carried out, brands are divided into a category. These categories indicate many classes of brands. Trademark registration classes are not as short as thought.

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