Yetkin Patent

Our Conversation About IP With ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a chatbot that was developed and trained by OpenAI and launched in November 2022. Since the first day of launching, ChatGPT quickly garnered attention for its detailed responses and articulate answers across many domains of knowledge. Many have had long conversations with ChatGPT, software engineers became obsessed with asking hard-to-solve questions and even mid-school students got caught making ChatGPT do their homework for them.

As IP agents, we have rolled up our sleeves, opened up our computers, and typed the hardest questions that come to mind about IP on our keyboards. And of course, ChatGPT was just a chatbot, we did not expect ChatGPT to answer our questions perfectly but as we developed our questioning skills, the results were remarkable and worth sharing.

And for our magazine this month, we decided to ask the ChatGPT to answer the most common 4 questions among IP owners and share the results with you. We hope you will have fun reading the results as much as we were asking questions.


Q1: Dear ChatGPT, why should one register their intellectual property?

A1: Registering intellectual property (such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights) can provide several benefits, including:

  • Legal protection: Registering your IP gives you the legal right to take action against anyone who infringes on your IP rights.
  • Establishing ownership: Registering your IP provides evidence of ownership and helps establish priority over others who might claim similar rights. 
  • Enhancing value: Registering your IP can increase the value of your IP and make it easier to license or sell.
  • Facilitating enforcement: Registered IP is easier to enforce, as registration provides a public record of your ownership.
  • Facilitating commercialization: Registered IP can help you commercialize your IP by attracting investment, partners and customers who are more confident about the IP’s validity and uniqueness.
  • Overall, registering IP can help you protect and leverage your valuable creations, innovations, and branding.

 Overall, registering IPcan help you protect and leverage your valuable creations, innovations, and branding.


Q2: Dear ChatGPT, why should I work with an attorney or IP agent to protect my IP?

A2: Working with an attorney or IP agent to protect your intellectual property (IP) can provide several advantages, including:

  • Expertise: Attorneys and IP agents have specialized knowledge and experience in IP law and can provide personalized advice and guidance on protecting your IP rights.
  • Strategic planning: Attorneys and IP agents can help you develop a comprehensive IP strategy that takes into account your specific needs and goals.
  • Streamlined processes: Attorneys and IP agents can assist you with the complex process of obtaining IP protection, including filing applications, negotiating contracts, and handling disputes.
  • Cost savings: Attorneys and IP agents can help you avoid costly mistakes, such as filing applications with inaccuracies, which can result in rejection or loss of IP rights.
  • Global protection: Attorneys and IP agents can help you navigate the global IP system, including filing applications and enforcing rights in other countries.

Overall, working with an attorney or IP agent can help you effectively protect and leverage your IP, ensuring that your valuable creations and innovations are secure.


Q3: Dear ChatGPT, what is intellectual property infrigement and how can I prevent it?

A3: Intellectual property (IP) infringement occurs when someone uses another’s IP without permission or authorization, and in a manner that violates the IP owner’s exclusive rights. This can take the form of unauthorized use of a trademark, copying of a copyrighted work, or making and selling a patented invention without permission.

To prevent IP infringement, you can take the following steps:

  • Conduct a thorough search: Before using or registering a trademark, patent or copyrighted work, conduct a thorough search to ensure that it is not similar or identical to existing IP rights.
  • Register your IP: Registering your IP rights can provide you with legal protection and help establish your ownership.
  • Use proper notices: Include proper notices (such as trademark symbols) on your IP to make it clear that it is protected.
  • Monitor your IP: Regularly monitor the use of your IP to detect any potential infringement.
  • Take action: If you believe that your IP rights have been infringed, take prompt and appropriate action, such as sending a cease-and-desist letter, negotiating a resolution, or filing a lawsuit.
  • Consider insurance: Consider obtaining IP insurance to help cover the costs of enforcement and litigation.

 By taking these steps, you can help prevent IP infringement and protect your valuable creations, innovations, and branding.


Q4: Dear ChatGPT, what is the value of my intellectual property and how can I assess my intellectual property?

A4: The value of your intellectual property (IP) depends on many factors such as the type of IP (e.g. trademark, patent, copyright), its uniqueness, market demand, potential to generate income, and others. To assess the value of your IP, you can consider the following steps:

  • Identify your IP assets: Determine what types of IP you have, such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and others.
  • Evaluate their market value: Research the market demand for your IP and compare it with similar IP assets to get an estimate of its value. 
  • Consider the IP’s potential for generating income: Determine the potential for licensing or selling the IP, as well as any potential income streams that could be derived from the IP.
  • Seek professional advice: You may also want to consult with a patent attorney, IP valuation expert, or IP broker to get a more accurate estimate of your IP’s value.

 Note that determining the value of IP can be a complex process and may require expert advice.


Regarding the above answers to our questions, we see that ChatGPT was trained to lead us to correct answers. Even though the answers were appropriate and valid, the statements were obvious that your intellectual propery should be taken good care of. And you will have the desired value from your IP agent. Overall, IP agents bear the burden of all of the answers above.

Let’s hope all of your questions are answered throughout the rest of the year. By ChatGPT.

Article by: Hande Tasan, IP Consultant