Trademark Registration
Trademark Application
The first official step of the Trademark Registration Process starts with making a trademark application to TÜRKPATENT and trademark protection begins as of the application date.
Your trademark application is filed within the scope of the goods and service classes that we have previously determined within the frame of our consultancy in accordance with your activities.
Following the filing of your trademark application, this trademark application will now be examined ex officio by the TÜRKPATENT within the frame of absolute grounds for refusal under Intellectual Property Law No. 6769. We provide you consultancy service to minimize the risks both in the review of TÜRKPATENT experts and in the subsequent publication process.
Trademark Preliminary Research
To determine whether the expressions determined for the trademark application pose any risk during the application process before TÜRKPATENT and among the registered trademarks, we provide you with a preliminary trademark research service. A preliminary research study is carried out in these classes by determining the class list of goods and services that are suitable for your activities.
Furthermore, we analyze whether your trademark conforms with the distinctiveness and registration criteria.
Trademark is the DISTINCTIVE sign that distinguishes the goods or services of a business from those of another business. The trademark also has a warranty function. Source, manufacturer, advertisement functions, and quality of production are understood from the trademark. Words and shapes create the trademark.
Trademark preliminary research is like a road map that guides the process of overcoming these risks by identifying the trademarks that are at or pose a risk of imitation.
Trademark Registration
The registration of the trademarks that have successfully completed the application process is decided. At this stage, all missing documents must be completed in due time and registration dues must be paid, and these transactions are followed within the frame of official correspondence with TÜRKPATENT.
Whether the trademark is in the registration stage or registered, all your requests for Issuing a Copy of the Trademark Registration Certificate and Issuing a Copy of the Trademark Registry can be submitted to TÜRKPATENT by our attorneyship at this stage.
Trademark Transfer and License Transactions
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İhtiyacınız Olan Herşey
Marka Sahibinin El Kitabında!
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Good divide behold
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İhtiyacınız Olan Herşey
Marka Sahibinin El Kitabında!
Binlerce markanın mülkiyetini ve değerini kazanmasını sağlamış bir takım tarafında bir araya getirilmiştir. Bu benzersiz e-book sayesinde değerli markaların kullandığı temel stratejiler en ince ayrıntısına kadar verilmiştir. Size kalan indirip bu eşsiz içerikleri hemen okumak olacaktır.
Fourth divide were
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İhtiyacınız Olan Herşey
Marka Sahibinin El Kitabında!
Binlerce markanın mülkiyetini ve değerini kazanmasını sağlamış bir takım tarafında bir araya getirilmiştir. Bu benzersiz e-book sayesinde değerli markaların kullandığı temel stratejiler en ince ayrıntısına kadar verilmiştir. Size kalan indirip bu eşsiz içerikleri hemen okumak olacaktır.