Yetkin Patent

History of Trademark Registration in Turkey-2

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On October 29, 1923, the assembly declared Turkey to be a republic and elected Mustafa Kemal as its first president. In this post you  will find some of the first registered Trademarks of the Republic of Turkey:



Register book No.: 301
Page No.: 15
Number: 315
Authority the Distinctive Sign Applied at: Government of İstanbul City Council
Date of Application and Submission: Beginning from 04.12.1923
Name, Residence, Profession of the Applicant: Zi Rover Kompani Limited, located in Meteor Worku named factories in the Garfild Rod Street, city of Koventri, the province of Vorinşair, England
Name of the Attorney & Place of Residence & Profession: Subject of England, Mr.Istok residing in Fildipsi (?) Hanı in the Demirkapı Street in Sirkeci İstanbul
Type of Products and Goods: One distinctive sign to be put on automobiles, motorized bicycles and tricycles, ordinary bicycles, and all kinds of transporting vehicles moving with or without motors, parts, spare parts, accessories, and additions.
One sample of these distinctive signs was stuck on the upper side of this page, and one other sample on the registration sheet to be sent to the High Courtesy of Ministry of Justice, and the fixed duty on ten liras __kurush __para was paid against receipt to the Treasury of Finance.


Register book No.: 301
Page No.:61
Number: 361
Number given by the Ministry of Justice: 387
And Date: 09.08.1924
Number of the Industrial Office of Istanbul: 225
Authority the Distinctive Sign Applied at: Government of Istanbul City Council
Date of Application and Submission: Beginning from 06.12.1923
Name, Residence, Profession of the Applicant: Subject of France, James Hennessy et Companie (…) An ou de Vie, located in the city of Cognac in the province of Charente, France.
Name of the Attorney & Place of Residence & Profession: Subject of Italy, Mr.Matyu Torosi residing at Uzun Hanı no.3 in the Hezarde (?) Street in Galata.
Type of Products and Goods: To be put on the bottles, barrels of cognac, on all kinds of their covers and also on the papers of the firm.
One sample of these distinctive signs was stuck on the upper side of this page, and one other sample on the registration sheet to be sent to the High Courtesy of Ministry of Justice, and the fixed duty on ten liras __kurush __para was paid against receipt to the Treasury of Finance. 03.07.1924


Register book No.: 801
Page No.:64
Number: 866/797
Number given by the Ministry of Justice: 854
And Date: 07.10.1927
Authority the Distinctive Sign Applied at: Government of Istanbul City Council
Date of Application and Submission: 06.06.1925
Name of the Applicant & Place of Residence & Profession: Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft, Subject of Germany, located in N.V.7 Unter den Linden 50,51 in Berlin
Name of the Attorney & Place of Residence & Profession: Mr.Horen Serkizyan, subject of Türkiye, at Hasan Paşa Hanı in Galata
Type of Products and Goods: To be put on aircraft, including flying machines, their parts, and motors, wheels, textiles for the balloon, chassis for aircraft and (…), control machines for aircraft, tools designed for filling of balloons, covers for condensed liquids and gas, tools and mechanism for unfastening of cables, (…), parachutes, ropes, signal tools, kites and general all kinds of instruments that serve to move and transporting inland, sea and air, their parts and accessories, all kinds of equipment, motors and other kinds of machines and tools.
One sample of these distinctive signs was stuck on the upper side of this page, and one other sample on the registration sheet to be sent to the High Courtesy of Ministry of Justice, and the fixed duty on ten liras __kurush __para was paid against receipt to the Treasury of Finance. 05.08.1925


– “From Distinctive Signs to the Trademarks”, Turkish Patent Institute Publications, 2009