Yetkin Patent

History of Trademark Registration in Turkey-3

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On October 29, 1923, the assembly declared Turkey to be a republic and elected Mustafa Kemal as its first president. In this post you  will find some of the first registered Trademarks of the Republic of Turkey:


General Motors Corporation


Register book No.: 1841
Page No.: 140
Registration Number: 2196
Number given by the Ministry of Justice: 1889
Date: 15.19.1928
Authority the Distinctive Sign Applied at: Government of İstanbul City Council
Date of Application and Submission: 24.01.1927
Name, Residence, Profession of the Applicant: Subject of U.S.A.: General Motors Corporation 3004 West Grand Boulevard City of Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, Etats-Unis d’Amerique
Name of the Attorney & Place of Residence & Profession: Subject of England, Mr.Istok residing at Türkiye Han behind w post office no.22-25 in Istanbul
Type of Products and Goods: Automobiles, their spare parts, and accessories




Register book No.: 2236
Page No.:61
Registration Number: 2332
Number given by the Ministry of Justice: 2011
Date: 07.01.1929
Authority the Distinctive Sign Applied at: Government of Istanbul City Council
Date of Application and Submission: 29.08.1928
Name, Residence, Profession of the Applicant: Subject of Germany, P.Beierdorf & Co.Aktiengesellschaft Hamburg 30, Allemagne
Name of the Attorney & Place of Residence & Profession: Subject of England, Mr.Istok residing at Türkiye Han behind w post office no.22-25 in Istanbul.
Type of Products and Goods: Perfumes, cosmetics, perfumed oils used by dermatologists, soaps, chemical preparations for the laundries, illness, paints for clothes, preparations for the removing of the stains, preparations for the cleaning and polishing.




Johnie Walker


Register book No.: 2236
Page No.:77
Registration Number: 2352
Number given by the Ministry of Justice: 20065
And Date: 07.01.1928
Authority the Distinctive Sign Applied at: Government of Istanbul City Council
Date of Application and Submission: 29.12.1927
Name of the Applicant & Place of Residence & Profession:  Subject of England: John Walker & Sons Limited, Dunster 12 Mark Lane, London . Angleterre
Name of the Attorney & Place of Residence & Profession:
Subject of England, Mr.Istok residing at Türkiye Han behind w post office no.22-25 in Istanbul.
Type of Products and Goods: Whisky




– “From Distinctive Signs to the Trademarks”, Turkish Patent Institute Publications, 2009