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Turkish Arts // Ottoman Tiles

The most common and best-known Ottoman tiles and pottery are the underglazed polychrome wares manufactured in İznik and also as a secondary center in Kütahya from the middle of the 16th century ...

Blossom in Ankara

"I’m a very passionate artist, my full-time job is being an artist and in my free time I do art."    -KIN MX-   Dear Kathrina, you made the streets of Ankara Blossom!  Yes, it was ...

Collection of Turgay Sagdic / TRIUMPH

TRIUMPH is just another vintage beauty of Turgay Sagdic’s collection, the founder of Yetkin Patent & Consultancy, European Patent Attorney, Certified Public Accountant Creator: Triumph Werke Nürnberg AG, Nürnberg, Germany Two Germans, Siegfried Bettmann ...