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Lakes of Ankara

Did you know about that there are five beautiful lakes in Ankara? Their names are: Mogan, Tuz, Karagöl (Çubuk), Eymir, Karagöl (Kizilcahamam). Tuz (Salt) Lake is the second biggest lake of Turkey. ...

Why our Logo is a Snowflake?

A snowflake is unique. None of the snowflakes out of millions of snowflakes are the same. Unique ideas are just like snowflakes. Sometimes just like snowflakes, these ideas travel from a very long distance, And sometimes ...

Highlights of 2021

We prepare our monthly Yetkin Magazine from an IP Perspective with the motivation to give you a with the motivation to give you a chance to read “something different” about Turkey, and ...

Birds of Ankara

Professional photographer and photography instructor Melih Özbek says that his interest in photography comes from his father. Melih Özbek, who has been taking photographs for more than 30 years, turned to digital ...